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Henry Overman
Henry Overman

Acting Director of POID; Research Director, Centre for Economic Performance; Director of the What Works Centre for Local Economic Growth

John Van reenen
John Van Reenen

(on leave of absence - serving as Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers)
Director of POID and Ronald Coase Chair in Economics and School Professor, London School of Economics

Anna Valero
Anna Valero

(on leave of absence - serving as Member of the Council of Economic Advisers)
Deputy Director of POID and Distinguished Policy Fellow, Centre for Economic Performance, London School of Economics

Senior Members of POID (in alphabetical order).

Philippe Aghion
Philippe Aghion

Centennial Professor of Economics at the London School of Economics and Professor at the College de France

Nick Bloom
Nick Bloom

William Eberle Professor of Economics at Stanford University; senior fellow of Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR)

Stephen Machin
Jonathan Haskel

Professor of Economics at Imperial College Business School, Imperial College London and Director of the Doctoral Programme at the School.

Renata Lemos
Renata Lemos

Economist at the World Bank and CEP Associate

Stephen Machin
Stephen Machin

Director, Centre for Economic Performance; Professor of Economics, London School of Economics

Ralf Martin
Ralf Martin

Associate, CEP Growth Programme; Professor of Economics, Imperial College London

Christopher Pissarides
Christopher Pissarides

Regius Professor of Economics, London School of Economics

Raffaella Sadun
Raffaella Sadun

Professor of Business Administration, Strategy Unit, Harvard Business School.

Daniela Scur
Daniela Scur

Assistant Professor of Strategy at the Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management at Cornell University.

Senior Associates (in alphabetical order).

David Autor
David Autor

Ford Professor of Economics, MIT.

Antonin Bergeaud
Antonin Bergeaud

Associate Professor of Economics, HEC Paris.

Robin Burgess
Robin Burgess

Professor of Economics, Director of EEE and Director of IGC, London School of Economics.

Aureo de Paula
Aureo de Paula

Professor of Economics and BSc Economics Programme Co-Director, University College London.

Maarten De Ridder
Maarten De Ridder

Assistant Professor of Economics, London School of Economics.

Joseph Doyle
Joseph Doyle

Erwin H. Schell Professor of Management and Applied Economics at the MIT Sloan School of Management.

Christos Genakos
Christos Genakos

Professor of Economics, Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge.

Xavier Jaravel
Xavier Jaravel

Associate Professor of Economics, London School of Economics.

Rocco Macchiavello
Rocco Macchiavello

Associate Professor of Management, London School of Economics.

Isabela Manelici
Isabela Manelici

Assistant Professor of Economics, London School of Economics.

Tim Obermeier
Tim Obermeier

Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Leicester.

Policy Associate

Tony Curzon-Price
Tony Curzon-Price

former Advisor, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), Cabinet Office and Number 10.

Esin Serin
Esin Serin

Policy Fellow, Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment.

POID Researchers

Pia Andres, Research Economist, POID
Email: | Web Page

Frederic Denker, Research Assistant, POID
Email: | Web Page

Gaia Dossi, LSE PhD student
Email: | Web Page

Peter Lambert, LSE PhD student
Email: | Web Page

Florian Munch, Research Economist, POID/PRINZ
Email: | Web Page

Viet Nguyen-Tien, Research Economist, CEP
Email: | Web Page

Agnes Norris Keiller, LSE PhD student
Email: | Web Page

Juliana Oliveira-Cunha, Policy Economist, IGC
Email: | Web Page

Arjun Shah, King's College London PhD student
Email: | Web Page

Ram Suresh Kumar, Research Assistant, POID
Email: | Web Page

Andreas Teichgraeber, LSE PhD student
Email: | Web Page

Yifan Wang, LSE PhD student
Email: | Web Page

POID Administration

Harriet Ogborn, Programme Manager

Geri Miric, EA to the Director and Programme Administrator

Helen Ward, Head, Public Affairs and Communications

Email: | Telephone: 020 7955 7395

Martin Hannon, Events and Website Officer