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POID Videos and presentations

Video: Trade and climate change: managing policies on the road to net zero

LSE Environment Week | 25 September 2024

Countries and businesses have struggled to recover robust growth since the Covid pandemic and the cost of living crisis. The UK has much lowerTrade and climate change policies have become increasingly interwoven. Subsidies for green industries often provoke tariffs, such as US actions over Chinese solar panels and electric vehicles.

Video: How much does management matter in an era of disruption?

LSE POID | 13 June 2024

Countries and businesses have struggled to recover robust growth since the Covid pandemic and the cost of living crisis. The UK has much lower productivity than many of its peers. The event will address what role management plays in explaining firm and national performance.

Video: How much does antitrust enforcement affect productivity growth?

Stigler Centre at Chicago Booth | 18 April 2024

At last year's conference, Chad Syverson (University of Chicago) asked whether there are good measures of the long-term effects of antitrust enforcement on productivity growth - in particular through the invention and diffusion of general purpose technologies. Providing better answers to this question is the goal of the first half of this year's conference. This debate will start with this first panel, which brings together economists from different fields to discuss how antitrust enforcement impacts long-term innovation.

Video: Beveridge 2.0 - changing labour markets and the future of social protection

LSE School of Public Policy | 5 March 2024

The combined effects of globalisation, deregulation and automation have changed the employment relationships and patterns on which our social protection systems are built.

Video: Investing in Britain's future - An economic strategy for Britain

The Resolution Foundation and LSE Centre for Economic Performance | 27 February 2024

Investing too little for one year is manageable, but doing so year after year is a recipe for relative decline. This is precisely what the UK has been doing and where it finds itself. Anna Valero and James Smith discuss why investment is so important for the growth prospects and living standards of the UK economy, and how boosting investment can be achieved.

Video: Ending stagnation: A new economic strategy for Britain

The Resolution Foundation and LSE Centre for Economic Performance | 4 December 2023

The UK economy is living with a toxic combination of 15 years of low growth and four decades of high inequality. The result is a country in relative decline, falling behind its peers, where taxes not wages are rising, and where millions of households have been painfully exposed to the shocks posed by the pandemic and cost of living crisis. Britain needs a new approach if it is to turn this stagnation around as we emerge from the pandemic, adjust to Brexit, and urgently transition towards a net zero future – one that leverages rather than downplays its economic strengths, confronts rather ignores its economic weaknesses, and aligns rather silos its tax, trade, industry, labour market and net zero policies so they add up to a coherent economic strategy.

Video: Cracking the productivity code: Policies for sustainable growth

POID/The Productivity Institute | 27 November 2023

Presenting new work decomposing the UK's productivity slowdown. In the long run, productivity growth is the most important determinant of material wellbeing. But the UK has now had 15 years of low productivity growth relative to its international peers and its own history.

Video: Inequality and superstar firms

Arenagruppen Think Tank | 21 November 2023

In this webinar, this fast-growing research on the causes and consequences of super companies is presented and discussed. Keynote speaker John van Reenen, professor of economics at the London School of Economics and world leading researcher in productivity, labour markets and innovation.

Video: The state of the economy and public finances

IPPR @ Labour Party Conference 2023 | 9 October 2023

Panel: The state of the economy and public finances: How much room is there for transformative policies for the next government?

Video: Revive and thrive: reforming planning laws to unleash an urban renaissance

OnwardUK @ Conservative Party Conference 2023 | 3 October 2023

The planning system is holding back growth in Britain's cities, which is vital for levelling up across the country. This panel will discuss how developers and policymakers can work together to deliver planning reform that drives growth, homes and jobs, bringing in a new age of what Levelling Up Secretary Michael Gove has described as an urban renaissance.

Video: An industrial strategy for the green economy

LSE Environment Week 2023 | 14 September 2023

The transition to a net zero economy requires a new industrial revolution. How should the UK and other countries craft effective policies to generate such radical change? What will be the effect of the Biden administration's green subsidies in the Inflation Reduction Act on the US, Europe and the rest of the world?

Video: The road to net zero: how to seize opportunities and manage change

LSE Festival | 13 June 2023

Tackling climate change requires significant and rapid economic and societal change. As new ways to power our homes, workplaces and transport are developed there will be opportunities for sustainable, healthier economic growth. But there will also be costs for firms, workers and households. To date, climate action has faced challenges from the people, through protests and failed referenda, but has also been driven by public support and activism.

Video: Growth of the UK economy

LSE| 19 May 2023

Growth and productivity are often talked about in UK politics, but how are they linked and what effect do they have on the economy? John Van Reenen explains.

Video: 300th anniversary of the birth of Adam Smith

The University of Glasgow | 5 April 2023

2023 marks the 300th anniversary of the birth of Adam Smith, author of the Theory of Moral Sentiments and The Wealth of Nations. John Van Reenen, guest speaker at the RES annual conference in Glasgow discusses how Smith's ideas changed the world.

Video: International Women's Day: Why be an economist?

LSE| 08 March 2023

To mark International Women's Day 2023, five economists from LSE CEP and POID talk about their research.

Public event: Keystone Strategy's Antitrust, Regulation and the Political Economy Conference

Brussels, Belgium | 02 March 2023

The conference brought together thought leaders from academia, government, agencies, and the courts to discuss the challenges facing policy making and enforcement today. POID Director John Van Reenen participated in a session on "Market Power in a Post Neoliberal World".

Public event: Future of Work and Wellbeing Conference

London | 25 January 2023

The Conference explored the latest perspectives from research, policy and practice on how automation technologies are transforming work, society and the economy. POID Director John Van Reenen participated in a session on "Innovation and firms".

Public event: Growth for Good: reshaping capitalism to save humanity from climate catastrophe

LSE | 17 January 2023

POID Deputy Director Anna Valero joined Alessio Terzi in the discussion of his new book "Growth for Good" which deals with climate change and sustainable development.

Public event: Empirical Management Conference

IFC, Washington | 15 December 2022

POID Director John Van Reenen presented on "The Natural Laws of Management" at this two-day conference on empirical management which focused on recent empirical research on measuring and exploring management and organizational practices.

Video: Inflation: the energy crisis explained | UK Economy

LSE | 12 October 2022

Rising energy bills drive up the cost of living. LSE's Anna Valero explains what led to the current energy crisis and how the transition to net zero emissions will help. #LSEUKEconomy

Public event: LSE Environment Week: Ray of Hope? Innovation and the Climate Crisis

LSE | 21 September 2022

Dealing with climate change will require innovation and diffusion of new technologies. But how can we craft policies to best deliver this? POID Director John Van Reenen presented at this panel alongside Robin Burgess (LSE), Pol Simpson (LSE) and Mar Reguant (Northwestern University) and discussed new thinking and evidence from leading thinkers and practitioners on this vital subject, including detailed studies of one of the possible success stories - solar power. Does the rapid rise in the use of solar energy represent a ray of hope in addressing the climate crisis?

Public event: LSE Environment Week: Whatever It Takes - Is There A Plan B For Climate Change?

LSE | 20 September 2022

Plan A for climate change should be to change our growth model to reduce emissions sufficiently to stop global warming through a mixture of carbon pricing, regulation, and technology subsidies. Should we also consider a Plan B of encouraging new technological solutions? And if so, what kind of solutions are there and how would we act upon them? This event brings together some new thinking on this issue. POID Deputy Director Anna Valero was a panellist alongside Clare Balboni (MIT), Lord Deben (UK Climate Change Committee), Shaun Fitzgerald (Centre for Climate Repair@Cambridge) and David Keith(HKS).

Public event: NYU-LMU Panel

NYU Stern School of Business | 16 June 2022

POID Director John Van Reenen presented at the jointly hosted NYU's Center for the Future of Management-LMU's Institute for Strategy, Technology and Organization panel titled "Superstar Firms and Innovation".

Public event: Bidenomics: Lessons for the UK

Resolution Foundation, London | 15 March 2022

The UK needs to reset its own economic strategy for the 2020s, but what can we learn from the US about the successes and risks of trying to adopt a radical, progressive economic agenda? What are the biggest achievements the President can lay claim to, and does the President's agenda add up to a significant shift in the American economic model? With participation from Washington D.C by Jared Bernstein, a Member of President Biden's Council for Economic Advisors, Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves MP and leading economist John Van Reenen who has worked on both sides of the Atlantic, to discuss what the UK can learn from 'Bidenomics'.

Public event: Open for business? Assessing the performance of British firms

Resolution Foundation, London | 15 November 2021

British firms have had a tumultuous decade - from the financial crisis to the Covid-19 pandemic. The 2020s brings new challenges as they grapple with post-Brexit trade and regulatory changes, the net zero transition, and improving the UK's woeful productivity record. But what is the state of British business as it heads into this decisive decade? POID Deputy Director Anna Valero joined Jonathan Haskel (MPC member), Rebecca Riley (Director of the UK Economic Statistics Centre of Excellence) and Torsten Bell (Chief Executive of the Resolution Foundation).

Public event: Gaining from growth: When the economy grows, do wages?

Resolution Foundation, London | 03 November 2021

POID Director John Van Reenen was joined by Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves MP to discuss the relationship between GDP and pay, and ask how we can establish strong, sustainable and equitable growth during the upcoming decade. Read the report "Have productivity and pay decoupled in the UK?" published by the London School of Economics' Programme on Innovation and Diffusion (POID).

Public event: Seizing sustainable growth opportunities from carbon capture, usage and storage (CCUS) in the UK

LSE | 22 September 2021

This event brought together the authors of a new report, Seizing Sustainable Growth Opportunities from Carbon Capture, Usage and Storage in the UK, and leading figures working on CCUS, to discuss the report's analysis of the UK's productive and innovative strengths along the CCUS value chain and the implications for growth across the country. The panel discussion was chaired by POID Deputy Director Anna Valero.

Public event: The Economics of Creative Destruction

LSE | 9-12 June 2021

College de France and Banque de France hosted a 4-day conference in honour of POID member Philippe Aghion. This event featured numerous luminaries of the economic field including our own John Van Reenen and Christopher Pissarides.

Podcast: The productivity problem

IFS Zooms In: The Economy | 24 March 2021

Why is a high-tech, developed economy like the UK struggling to be more productive? What policies can government implement to get productivity growing again? And how can we spur innovation while also tackling issues like inequality? John Van Reenen speaks to the IFS.

Public event: Going for Growth

CEP LSE | 08 February 2021

How can the UK and the world get back to sustainable growth following the COVID-19 pandemic? Pulling together the lessons of 30 years of work on technology, management and productivity, John Van Reenen will argue that innovation is the key to rekindling our economies.

Public event: Covid-19 and business technology adoption

LSE | 24 November 2020

This event featured John Van Reenen (LSE & POID), Anna Valero (LSE and POID) Tera Allas (McKinsey & Co) and Rain Newton Smith (CBI) discussing what we know about the barriers to technology adoption and how policy can address these, in the context of Covid-19.