Professor Henry Overman
Research Director of Centre for Economic Performance; Director of the What Works Centre for Local Economic Growth
Expertise: regional and urban economics, impact evaluation
Short Biography
Henry Overman is Professor of Economic Geography in the Department of Geography and Environment at the London School of Economics and Director of the What Works Centre for Local Economic Growth. He was formerly director of the Spatial Economics Research Centre. His current research interests include the causes and consequences of spatial disparities and the impact of urban and regional policy.
Professor Henry Overman's current areas of research are:
- The impact evaluation of spatial policies. Henry is working with colleagues to try to evaluate the impact of the Local Enterprise Growth Initiative; Regional Selective Assistance; UK road building in the 2000s; and the Single Regeneration Budget.
- Better understanding the causes of spatial disparities. Here, research is focused on the extent to which these arise from composition ('sorting') versus area effects ('some places are more productive than others'). He is also interested in the extent to which housing costs and other amenities offset nominal disparities.