About this event
This live project introduces new price microdata for UK. The data aims to allow automated grocery inflation estimates and a real-time interrogation of the geographic sources of price changes. Our dataset contains 19m prices collected since July 2023 from retailers representing over 70% of UK grocery expenditure. The prices, collected daily via automated web access, offer insights into the frequency, timing, and distribution of price changes. Compared to existing UK microdata on pricing, our dataset is larger, is far richer (capturing information on, for example, calorific content of foods), and is available at a lag of around 12 hours, rather than 30+ days. Through a LLM classification process, we investigate inflation, producing daily estimates. We extend the analysis by identifying the country of origin for over 60,000 products. The origin data allows us a first look at the sources of food price inflation as well as the impacts of trade frictions at the GB-EU border. We hope the results, the methodology, and the dataset, will have a wide range of research and policy uses.
Participants are expected to adhere to the Events Code of Conduct.
This event will take place in SAL 2.04, 2nd Floor Conference Room, Sir Arthur Lewis Building, LSE, 32 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2A 3PH.
The building is labelled
on the map. Enter the building via Lincoln's Inn Fields.